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Free Shipping Across Australia on Gutter Guard Kits and Mesh
A gutter guard is an item that’s designed to keep leaves and other debris out of your gutters. If you plan on using a gutter guard for your home, it needs to be made from a non-combustible material, something similar to steel. Some homeowners think gutter guards are not worth the investment because they don’t live in bushfire-prone areas, but this assumption couldn’t be farther from the truth.
It’s a fact that gutter guards are not a legal requirement for residences in areas that are prone to bushfires, but it’s a smart investment nonetheless. Whether you live in a bushfire-prone area or not, gutter guards can help prevent fires. Leaves, twigs, and other debris can start a fire. Having a gutter guard product that is not made from combustible material helps prevent fires from occurring.
An ember guard is a full cover that is inserted into cavities in your home. These guards can also be used to cover openings in your home. Ember guards prevent burning embers from entering your home. This type of guard can be made from a mesh that is a non-combustible mesh or a perforated sheet that features an aperture. The aperture will be no bigger than 2mm in size.
An ember attack causes more than half of the homes that are destroyed during brushfires. An ember attack occurs when the debris in your home’s gutters come into contact with wind-borne embers. The debris found in the gutters ignites and burns and enters your home through the gaps in your home. Gaps as 3mm or smaller can allow these embers to pass through your home and reak havoc. For this reason, there are specific building regulations for homes located in bushfire-prone areas. New building codes and regulations have been implemented to help with the improvement of a home’s chance of withstanding an ember attack.
The Australian Standards AS3959-2009 codes and regulations state homes in bushfire-prone areas must have all gaps that exceed 3mm covered using an ember guard mesh or sheet. Homes that are located in areas with a bushfire attack level (BAL) of 12.5 or higher qualify for the use of ember guards that are manufactured from steel, bronze, or aluminum. Homes that are zoned in areas with a BAL of 40 or greater can only use steel or bronze ember guards.
If you’re a homeowner who’s serious about protecting their home against the devastating threat of bushfire, you need to keep leaves and similar flammable debris out of and away from your gutters. These guards help minimize the presence of fuel for fires located around your home. Fuel is considered anything that can be ignited by an ember attack. If you decide to use a non-combustible gutter mesh with a 2mm or smaller hold, you have peace of mind knowing it will protect your gutters from embers too.
If you’re like most homeowners, you get caught up in the jargon of the codes and regulations of using gutter guards and ember gutter mesh. Every home is different, and the same codes may not apply. There are a variety of factors you need to consider when you’re looking for the best protector to use for your home. When you’re deciding between gutter guards and ember gutter mesh for your home, consider the size of your property, its location, and your budget.
Deciding on the best gutter protector to use can be a daunting and frustrating task. All Flow is ready to help you make the best decision with your home in mind. All Flow has an ember-proof gutter guard mesh product that features woven aluminum ember gutter mesh for ultimate protection from bushfires.
Here at All Flow, we provide a variety of products that safeguard your home from bushfires and other instances. If you prefer to safeguard your home instead of hiring a professional, we also provide accessories that will make your job easier. We’re always here to help. Contact us today on 1800 033 116 to learn more about safeguarding your home from bushfires.
Fire-rated, lightweight and durable aluminium gutter guard systems for all roof types. Made in Australia, for Australian conditions.
All-Flow’s dedicated, friendly team are always available to assist with your enquiries, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Address: 5/148 Industrial Road, Oak Flats, NSW 2529
Free Call: 1800 033 116
Telephone: 02 4228 4266
Fire Rated: AS 1530-2-1993
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