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Free Shipping Across Australia on Gutter Guard Kits and Mesh


Free Shipping Across Australia on Gutter Guard Kits and Mesh


Metal Roof Gutter Guard KIT

All-Flow’s D.I.Y Aluminium Gutter Guard Kits for Metal Roofs are matched to your roof in a variety of Colorbond Colours.  They are easy to install and are backed by a 15 year Warranty.  We have kits to protect both metal roof gutters and valleys.

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metal roof gutter with gutter guard

Suitable for Corrugated, Trimdek and Klip-Lok.

Aluminum Mesh Types

Aluminum Expanded Mesh Diamond Shape

All Flow's unique raised hexagonal shaped mesh design has a 15 year product warranty and will not rust or burn. Accepting even the heaviest of rainfall whilst excluding leaves and debris from entering the gutter system our expanded mesh - ideal for water tank collection. 

  • Size/Aperture: 3.5mm X 3.5 mm
  • Akso Nobel Powder Coated
  • Lightweight: approx. 500 grm per M2

Aluminum Woven Mesh Square Shape

15 year product warranty and will not rust or burn. Excludes fine debris from the gutter system. Also acts as an ember proof guard meeting Australian Standards for bushfire attack levels as detailed in the 2011 amendment (AS 3959-2009/ AMDT 2011) required by councils in bushfire prone areas. 

  • Size/Aperture: 2mm x 2mm
  • Akso Nobel Powder Coated
  • Lightweight: approx. 500 grm per M2

Are you ready to put an end to clogged gutters?

All-Flow’s dedicated, friendly team are always available to assist with your enquiries, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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